2024-25 课程时间表/学费/教室安排 Class Schedule, Tuition, and classroom arrangements

学费快速一览表 Quick reference for course tuitions (full year unless otherwise indicated)

CourseTuition CourseTuition
学前班(PreK), 双双1-5级(SS1-5)$690 双双6-9级(SS6-9), 中文AP,
CSL (Chinese as Second Language)
$520 英文演讲与辩论(Speech and Debate in English)$580
围棋数学(Go and Math) (网课online)
$520 AMC8竞赛班, 数学速算班$600
机器人(LEGO Robotics)$580 电路设计(Arduino for Young Inventors) 15 weeks$260
国际象棋(Chess)$470 绘画(Art), 中国书法(Chinese Calligraphy)$470
国标舞(Ballroom Dancing), Yoga, Zumba$470 幼儿舞蹈 Dancing preschool, 少儿舞蹈 Dancing beginner,
青少年舞蹈 Dancing intermediate, 成人健美舞 Dancing adult
陈氏太极拳初、中、高班(Tai Chi Level 1 to 3)$370/380/390 防身术(Self-defense)$550
篮球Basketball$480 羽毛球(badminton))$515
网球(Tennis) Fall, 10 weeks$180 网球(Tennis) Spring, 10 weeks$180
成人中文班(CSL for adults)$300 /
Free **
老年英语班(Senior English) Free
Java Programming beginner (online, 2 hours/week, 1 semester)$600  

注:除学费外,总费用还包括每家庭一年一次的 1)注册费(点击参看具体数目),2)管理费$50, 3) 家长值班费$50 (值班一次后, 退回$55作为下学年credit。家长亦可以要求退回现金$50。) 如果在试课期(开学后头两周)结束前办理退课,则除注册费外的学费和杂费全数退还。如果书本已经使用则需扣除书本费。 点击参看有关退课的具体步骤。
注**:成人中文班(CSL for adults)对中文学校注册学生的家长免费。满足免费条件的家长,注册后请发邮件到info@millburntalent.org要求减免学费。

Note: Besides the course tuition listed above, per family account per year, a registration fee (check this page for details), a $50 administration fee, and a $50 refundable parent duty fee will be added to the total bill. If a class cancellation is made before the end of the trial period (the first two weeks of school), all fees and tuitions except registration fee will be refunded fully, unless the textbook has been used in which case a textbook fee will be deducted. For more details regarding class cancellation, see this page.
Note **: CSL for adults class is free for the parents of registered student. If you are qualified for free registration for CSL for Adult class, email info@millburntalent.org and request a tuition reduction after registration.


2024-25 school year class schedule